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Krombacher Connoisseur's Finest Dark Lager

Krombacher Connoisseur's Finest Dark Lager

Regular price $8.05 SGD
Regular price Sale price $8.05 SGD
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Krombacher Dark

500ml Bottle - 4.7% abv - Kreuztal, Germany

Connoisseur's Finest Dark Lager - Brewed With Nature Soft Rock Spring Water - Felsquellwasser

Krombacher Dark uses hand selected varieties of dark roast malt and the finest aromatic hops to give this speciality beer its punchy, typical malty-spicy character. It begins with a pronounced first impression of liquorice-aniseed spice on the nose and satidfies the beer connoisseur with its particulary strong and aromatic malt-caramel character. The restrained luquorice flavor lingers on the palate with coffee notes also clearly discernible and a hoppy bitterness that asserts itself slowly, but with intensity, and likewise lingers on the palate.

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